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Pouso Alegre is located in the municipality of Poconé, 133km from Cuiabá, in a privileged point of the Northern Pantanal, which corresponds to the south of the state of Mato Grosso, in the Center-West region of Brazil.

Departing from Cuiabá, it is 100km of asphalt to Poconé and 33km of dirt along the Transpantaneira Park Road, , reaching the entrance of the farm.


Mapa PA 2018.jpg

Map of the Farm

Access to the lodge is by a 7km dirt road, passable all year round, with excellent conditions for the observation of flora and fauna.

Access here the position of Pouso Alegre in GoogleMaps.

The most distant trails of the Pouso Alegre are accessible by horseback for most of the year, except some in the high plateau. You can get them all by car during the dry season.


The access to the lodge by 7km dirt road, is always a good attraction and becomes a special spectacle along the ebb, with thousands of birds fishing in the flooded fields around.


A reconnaissance around the lodge can bring pleasant surprises.


This group of woodland islands on the eastern edge of the farm can be explored starting from the lodge, following a series of trails.

Capão da Onça

This large woodland island is a good option for trekking, starting from the lodge.

Retirinho Oxbow

Dry forest around an oxbow pond, providing an area with large range of wildlife.

Piúva do Cipó

Opposite side of the Retirinho Oxbow, with dry and floodable forest.


Large field that cuts the farm from east to west, with varied paths for horseback riding.


Dry forest area, accessible from the acces road, habitat of rich fauna.


Trail with varied relief, flora and animal species in alternate stretches of dry and floodable forest.


Capão do Areião

Large forest island, waypoint for primates and other mammals.

Capão das Araras

Forest island, the location of a waterhole that attracts varied fauna in the end of afternoon, with mammals and medium-sized birds.


Trail over a series of footbridges, through muddy lowland, with endemic plants and waterfowl, accessible during the drought.


Trail in the Capão da Canoa, near the Bento Gomes river channel, with varied small birds.

Campina Vermelha Weir

Dug out water tank that mainly attracts deer, waterfowl, and caimans.


Rincão Weir 

The Rincão Weir and neighboring woods are a meeting point of several trails spreading along the farm fields.


Bamburro Bay

Pond surrounded by woods, populated by caimans, frequented by mammals and varied birdlife.


Bento Gomes

Canoe rides in stretches of the river, during the flood, and in the bays during the dry season.


Rio Claro

A visit to the Claro river for a canoe ride and riverine wildlife observation.


The Concrete Bridge, a hotspot in night safaris, looking for tapirs and other nocturne wildlife.

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