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According to Embrapa's publication, 2013, in the Pantanal there are 582 species of birds (Nunes, 2011), with about half of them present in the municipality of Poconé, which goes to the border with the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, on the bank of the Cuiabá River , and where the Pouso Alegre Lodge is located.


Among the 152 mammals found in the Pantanal, Pouso Alegre Lodge is inhabited by species such as Anta, Tamanduá-bandeira and Tamanduá-mirim, Irara, Raccoon, Quati, Jaguatirica, Jaguar, Queixada, Caititu and many others. Get to know more about this exuberate wildlife population.

Amphibians and Reptiles

In the Pantanal, abundant species of amphibians and reptiles can be found. Among them is the Sucuri which is the largest among many snakes, the incredible Caiman Lizard, the Jabuti, dozens of species of frogs, toads and, of course, many Caimans.

Flora of the Pantanal

The Pantanal vegetation presents a very varied mosaic, adapting to the subtle variations of relief of the terrain that define whether or not this will be flooded during the rainy season. Dry, floodable and semi-floodable forests, fields, swamps, and scrubland shelter plants of divergent habitat, but that lie within a short distance of each other.

The peccaries, as well as tapirs, anteaters and many more species of the Pantanal wildlife wander along fields, forests and marshes.

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